Let us help simplify your college search experience and provide you with the best colleges to compare degree programs. When choosing an online college, we take into consideration your area of interest, program concentration, and highest level of education to find an affordable and an accredited college for your ideal college match.
Online degrees allow you to fit classes into your hectic schedule, making it easier to balance work, family, social obligations, and school on your own terms.
One of the advantages of online learning is that you don't have to get dressed, get in your car, drive through traffic, get to campus, and attend class. You can study on the couch while wearing your pajamas.
Learn at your own pace with accelerated online classes lasting six, twelve, fifteen, or more weeks degree, you typically will have more career opportunities than with an associate degree.
For independent learners, going at your own pace has been proved to be a more effective learning approach. With online classes, you have complete control over when and how much you study within the confines of the course.
If you know which area of study you are generally interested in, the next step would be to choose a program focus, or "concentration". There are many different program concentrations to choose from depending on your main area of study interest. Although many online colleges offer the same areas of study, not all schools offer the same program concentrations.
Because program concentrations are more specific, they make it a great way to narrow in on your search when comparing online colleges. To assist you on your online college search journey, we have compiled a list of popular program concentrations for the most popular areas of study that are available for online degrees.
A typical student pursing a certificate program has a specific career in mind. Certificate programs are seemingly getting more popular as distance learning is becoming more common. Popular career choices for certificate programs include: Certified Nursing Assistant - CNA (See Healthcare Options), Web Developer (See Computer & IT Options), or Court Reporting (See Criminal Justice Options).
Many online students start by pursuing an Associate Degree as a stepping stone to a Bachelor Degree. Usually the courses needed for an associate degree are the same courses needed to complete a Bachelor’s Degree. While Associate degrees are commonly used to jump start a career, we recommend pursuing a Bachelor degree as your end goal. Our research indicates the average graduate with a bachelor degree has a better chance at obtaining an entry level job compared to a holder of an associate degree.
A Bachelor’s degree covers a more in-depth degree than an Associate’s degree. It is typically more desired by employers for an entry level position. With a Bachelor degree, you typically will have more career opportunities than with an associate degree. More information around career possibilities are available below in our “Career Opportunities” section.
A Master’s Degree can come in a variety of forms such as an MBA (Masters in Business Administration), MA (Masters of the Arts), or MS (Masters of Science). Before starting a Master's Degree program, your must first complete a Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s Degree program is typically one year in length and provides a specific concentration of study. Many Master degree candidates pursue the graduate degree to stand out from their competition to advance their career.
A Doctoral Degree, also known as a “Ph.D”, is the highest level of achievement and is common for a candidate interested in working in the field of academia. It involves teaching other students the art of their discipline or conducting research into a very specific subject. Doctoral programs can vary from 2-4 years to complete. Many Doctoral Degree programs require you to provide a new theory or build on ideologies of existing theory in order to complete your Ph.D.
Our goal at Onlinecollegematch.com is to help working adults find affordable and accredited online colleges with flexible classes to fit their busy, everyday schedule. Going back to school can be a daunting task, but that's why we are here to help!
Our online degree program focused research provides you with a free list of hand-picked colleges that offer online degrees based on your career interests. We hope our website helps you to find the college you are looking for to pursue your futures educational endeavors.